Friday, November 4, 2011

What is ZENO?

ZENO is a company that products multiple controlled heat devices that target the bacteria under the skin. This bacteria is the cause of blemishes.

The many ZENO tools vary in use but a majority of the devices have one main instruction: apply the heated device to the infected area at the first sign of a skin blemish.

ZENO's product list includes:
-Heat Treat

-Hot Spot

-Line Rewind

The ZENO Hot Spot in particular is one ZENO product that has many positive reviews. This device is a small handheld device with a heated tip that beings reducing blemish bacteria in just 1 hour.

Most users see results in only 24 hours with the reduction of 90% of bacteria.

Put your blemishes on the hot seat!

For more information visit

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