Friday, November 18, 2011

New Trend: Magnetic Nail Polish

So I know that I JUST posted about nail polish. But what can I say, I'm addicted :).

Just the other day I was browsing through YouTube videos and I saw something about "Magnetic Nail Polish". Of course I had to look into it, as any nail polish addict would.

These types of nail polishes are developed with metallic particles that create a pattern on the nail using a magnent. All you have to do is paint the polish on, and then hold the magnent over the nail; as close as you can without touching the wet polish. The iron powder in the polish gravitates toward the magnent creating a design on the nail.

The design you get on your nail is one that his particular and hidden in each magnent. The image you should get on your nail should be printed on the front of the polish bottle.

Unfortunately, because this is so new, I've only seen them in two places. Online & in Sephora stores. They can be found at by searching "magnetic nail polish". The brand you should find will look like the image below & is also available in other colors. This brand of nail polish will run you $16 a bottle. If this price is too steep for you, try just searching the polish on saving sites like or

If you don't want to shell out the $16 dollars, and you're not big on online shopping, just hang in there. Because this trend is so new, it will take a little while to filter down into beauty supply stores and local drugstores. But I promise it will be worth the wait!


  1. While I am not a fashion guru, this is something, after reading your review, that sounds pretty interesting if I were a female. I think it is pretty neat how technology has come so far to even become modernized in fashion. This is something probably unheard of in the past but magnetic nail polish that goes on and forms a pattern from a magnet when said magnet is waved over it is intriguing.

  2. Wow! I have to say this is pretty neat. I really like the metallic look. I might even have to try it out someday. I'm sure it will become a new trend and be offered in more stores soon.
